Welcome to Shorinji Kempo in the Philippines
Shorinji Kempo is a modern Japanese martial that aims to develop the individual rather then just teach martial combat. With a comprehensive syllabus covering practical self-defence,
meditation and a modern day philosophy, Shorinji Kempo aims to develop
the potential of the individual and create a balanced human being, both
physically and mentally.
The Shorinji Kempo Manila Branch is affiliated with the World Shorinji Kempo Organization (WSKO) and currently the only branch in the Philippines.
We make no minimum requirements in terms
of personal ability, strength or flexibility. Whatever your previous
experience or future goals, you’ll find a friendly, productive learning
environment which will challenge you both physically and intellectually.
Weekly sessions are every Wednesdays at 7:00 - 8:30pm at Step by Step Performing Arts Studio located on the 3rd floor, East Wing of the Estancia Mall. Class fee is P1,500 per month (the first session
is free).
We make no minimum requirement on fitness or flexibility. If you are
interested, just drop by and join in.